Sunday, December 15, 2013

Tuberculosis is a disease caused tuberculosis bacterial infection that can be of almost any organ. The most commonly affected due to the bacterial infection is the lungs. Tuberculosis a long illness once known people, since ancient times, tuberculosis often is one murderer at first because the range is not very hygienic. One evidence of this disease has long been known to man is the DNA of germs tuberculosis in one of the noble guest. Although it is very old face of this disease, but until now people have not been able to handle the disease. There are several factors that cause this disease are hard pressed to run. Most people, definitely for a variety of nature and the ability of germs very special, others because of human error factor. One such factor is the difficulty of determining the disease in patient’s tuberculosis children. Why so? Because in general, the younger the age of a child, tuberculosis infected child will ever make a different characteristic.

There are several symptoms that can point us in thinking tuberculosis as the cause. Not very high fever that often arises and lasts for a long time can be caused by germs tuberculosis well. However, other diseases can also cause long fever and recurrent urinary tract infections or typhoid fever. And decreased appetite or weight loss secret will turn up due to tuberculosis. But, so is the case, many also other diseases that cause similar symptoms such as intestinal worms. Cough more than 3 weeks old that are not abiding pleased to grant a wide range of drugs may also cause by tuberculosis. Children with tuberculosis usually also appear weak, tired, lethargic, and tired.

There is similarity between tuberculosis diagnoses of infection diseases in general. The most basic is to get tuberculosis bacteria usually found in the sputum of a person. Most of the children are generally not capable of phlegm, is not routinely done even by a child. Alternatively, performed tuberculin test screening for diagnose popular known as Mantoux Test. If the result is positive, this test has proven that there is specific immunity against tuberculosis which means that there was infection tuberculosis in person. Examination of additional support is screening on the chest roentgen picture, the function to see the image of the lung tissue damage due to germs tuberculosis. To view and determine the damage by roentgen is not easy. If no damage, it is also not necessarily caused by tuberculosis. Photo roentgen used only detected a network crash.

Other inspections associated with tuberculosis diagnosis are a blood test. Three of them are in the serological examination, examination couch speed of blood, and blood examination edges. Tuberculosis diagnosis in children, which strongly support the information, is there tuberculosis infected adults. This can be one of the considerations of a child affected by the disease due to the spread of tuberculosis.

Confusion in diagnosis may occur in this tuberculosis disease. They often do the wrong diagnosis in the case of determining the disease. This is because as the difficulty in determining the symptoms of the disease tuberculosis sure this.


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